Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ogallala , Ogallala, golly what a day.

The night of November 7th I camped just a mile or so east of Northport.  I decided to get a long rest and see just how far an early start and a lot of coffee could take me.

Yesterday, November 8th, saw me clear past Ogallala, back onto route 30, past Sutherland and North Platte, to a field a little outside of the small town of Maxwell Nebraska.  Estimated distance for the day is just over 150 miles.

It was a slight downhill grade and with the wind for much of it.  Even so, I did finally get tired.  I had a few steep climbs and crosswinds for about 20 miles near Ogallala. 

I pedalled long after dark and crossed a time zone in there somewhere.  The night was clear and full of stars.  There is a little town (some of them very little) every 10 or 15 miles along this river, and the land is so broad and flat, I could often see the glow or even the lights of the next town as soon as I left whatever one I was in.  It got a little surreal sometimes when the coffee ran low and I watched, bit by bit, those distance lights creep slowly towards me.

When I finally did sleep, I slept well and an hour or two later than usual this morning. Most any aches or stiffness I might have had seem to have disappeared during my rest.

It's sunny and warm and downhill again today.  I'm eager to be off.

(Extra points if you get the song reference in today's title.)

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