Friday, December 12, 2014

A Year and a Day, Many Thanks

So this is more like a year and a week or a year and a fortnight, I guess, since the end of my trip but those just didn't have the same ring to them as far as a title goes.

I don't know if anyone will really bother reading this entry.  My trip is long done now, but I always did mean to write at least a few more follow up entries and it's been weighing on my mind as something unfinished.  So here we go.

Many Thanks:

First off, I need to offer some very specific thanks to the following people.  These are the people who either gave me a gracious donation of funds during my trip, a place to stay in their home (or boat), or in some cases both.  So, in no particular order I want to offer my most sincere appreciation to:

My good friend Josh Lang, currently of Pittsburgh and his wife Kristi.
My cousin Mike Sincevich and his wonderful fiance Joy Willard.
My cousin Joshua Beard, long live the emperor.
Kathryn Mueller, who met me once in a bike shop.
Dan Rodina, who never met me at all.
Those two fellows in Wyoming who let me crash in thier work RV even though it was probably against company policy.
Captain Jim Hall of the ship High Tithe.
Sheri, who runs The Pink House in Boise.
Cousin Pat Sincevich, Brandi Sincevich, and all of their fine children.
David Chadwick and Gina Pace of Seattle.
A certain Miss Whitney, whom I met in a cafe not far from the Idaho-Wyoming border.
And lastly, that fine gentleman who met me once in a men's room, told me about his time in the Korean War, donated me $10, and wished me the best.

All in all, total donations came to $440.00, which amounted to a month's worth of food and bike repair supplies for me while traveling.  At the time I was very strapped for resources and I used every penny of it.

In honor of all of your many acts of generosity, I have recently donated a total of $880.00 dollars to my favorite non-profit, The American Chestnut Foundation.  It seemed fitting to try to give a little back to the out-of-door.  I'd like to say that the second half of that amount was me meeting all of your contributions, but if I'm honest I'm going to have to look at it more along the lines of acknowledging all the free meals, free desserts, and free couches that were provided for me.

I have one or two more topics to write about, but this one is important enough, I feel, to warrant it's own special entry. 

So once again, thank you all very much.

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