Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Rules.

Since I couldn't think of a good photo to go with this post, here is a picture of me from several years ago pretending to fall off of the Italian Alps:

 Man, do I miss that scarf...

Anyway, down to business.  So if one is going to go on a cross country trek like this, I think it's best to put down some rules to challenge ones self.  After all, if the point is just to get from A to B you take the easiest route.  If the point is something else entirely, i.e. the way you get from A to B, you maybe better make up some rules.

Rule 1:
The method.  Once I officially start the walk, I will no longer be using any mode of transportation involving a wing, wheel, or motor.  This means that walking, swimming, horseback riding, kayaking, sailing, pogo-sticking, dog sledding, hot air ballooning, etc. are all viable means of travel.

This also means that cars, bikes, scooters, planes, motorboats, most ferries, and similar other things are right out.  If I get the chance to hang glide or ride an Ostrich, this rule will be immediately and shamelessly broken.

Rule 2:
The money.  I intend to limit myself to a budget of approximately $1 per mile traveled.  This is to cover food, clothing, gear, (shoes), laundromats, hostel stays, and anything else that I might need or want to spend money on.  I'm going to try to include in this budget the gear I buy ahead of time, the plane ticket, and the bill for keeping my smartphone active so that I can continue to post pictures and updates here as I go along.  This might prove a little difficult, however, given some of the things that I intend to do and some of the gear I am going to need to do it more or less safely.  That's where Rule 3 comes in.

Rule 3:
The mooch.  I will accept charity.  In fact, unless it breaks one of the other rules, I will try to accept any and all charity whether offered from home or in the field.  I'll be going through towns; I intend to give a heads up a few days before each one and then stop to check the post office.  When I was hiking through Europe, I had a stranger invite me in for dinner.  In any case, I will make said charities known unless specifically asked not to do so.

In addition, I had someone suggest I add a donation button to this blog.  I'll have to think about that one.  I'm not sure if that would break Rule 2 or whether I could accept it on account of it not coming out of my budget.  Plus I'm not sure if that feels dirty or not.  More on this later.

In any case, I am going to try to keep a running tab so that you can see what I'm buying and how much it's setting me back.

The Final Rule:
I intend to follow the above rules, each and every one, with the following blanket exception:  I reserve the right to ignore any and all rules in the event of severe injury, life-or-death circumstances, or to comply with the demands of legitimate law enforcement agents.  That is all.

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