Saturday, September 21, 2013

Uphill and More Wind (21 Sept.)

Took care of the punctures in my tire this morning.  Still air was a blessing. 

Its been uphill ever since White Bird.  Not a very steep grade, but mile after mile of it with a stiff headwind left my legs a touch sore this morning.  First time this has happened.

Been crawling along up the Salmon and Little Salmon Rivers.  Made some 20 additional uphill miles this morning but now wind is picking up again.  Need a topograph. Wondering how much longer this grade can keep going.

Wind didn't get too bad.  Not like yesterday.  Estimate 53 miles uphill from White Bird to meadow valley about 11 miles shy of New Meadows (where I am now) getting progressively steeper the whole time.  The uphill plus the headwind really did me in.  It seems I am no true cyclist.  (Did a total of about 80 miles the last two days).

Rumor is  there is about 5 miles of flat followed by 5 miles of climbing followed by a downhill run all the way to Boise.  It sounds nice.

Despite the wind and the grade the land was stunning the whole way.  It started as wide, fertile canyon bottom and rose into a place of pines, stone, and small waterfalls.  When it finally leveled out, the land became high meadow and beef pasture.

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