Friday, September 20, 2013

Wind and Grade. (Sept. 19 and 20)

Left Sweetwater, passed through Culdasac, and climbed 15 miles of hill called Old Winchester Grade yesterday.  8 or 9 miles was particularly steep.  I'm told that the steepest part was 3 miles at a 25% grade.  The view was beyond worth it.

Camped last night at Tolo lake.  Did White Bird grade this morning.  What a ride! Yesterday felt like it was all up hill.  White Bird was 8 miles of steep downhill grade after only two or three miles climb.

Been fighting a headwind the entire length of 95.  Wind is always from the South.  Particularly strong today.

Days are hot (90 degrees), nights are cold by comparison (40 degrees).

Front tire has been soft the last two mornings.  A quick pump up and it lasts all day.  Probably a slow leak from one of the many patches.

Wind continues to get stronger.  Constantly straining against pedals, especially on the flats.  I stop often to drink but wind leaves face and mouth quickly parched. 

Canyon country is beautiful.  Salmon river picturesque.

Pedalled other direction for 50 yards to see what a tailwind feels like.  I could make 100 miles with a tailwind like that!

Oh well.  At least no more major climbs today.

Crossed time zone today.  Had really big, inexpensive burger in an empty bar in White Bird. 

Had a slice of huckleberry pie at a mom and pop roadside grocery store/produce stand near Riggins.  Not worth the money. 

If you want good pie in this area go up to the Calamity Cafe in Winchester.  Its the best you'll find this side of my mother's oven.

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